Build a Weather Station with Raspberry PI and Sourcekit Atiic

Sourcekit® Atiic is an universal i2c to serial bridge. Atiic means AT commands to operate i2c devices. Check to see how its AT command sets work.

Atiic and Raspberry Pi 3B

PC - USB - USB-TTL - Atiic - i2c sensors (SPL06 and AHT21)

Core Instructions

  1. Flash an micro SD card with latest 64-bit Raspberry OS Lite and get it running, Raspberry Pi 3B (RAM 1GB) should be enough in this application.

  2. Install docker, reference:

    1. sudo usermod -a -G docker pi
    2. append cgroup_enable=memory in /boot/cmdline.txt
    3. system reboot
  3. Install grafana-oss

    1. sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/grafana /var/lib/atiic
    2. sudo chown 472 /var/lib/grafana
    3. docker run -d -p 3000:3000 -v /var/lib/grafana:/var/lib/grafana -v /var/lib/atiic:/var/lib/atiic:ro --name=grafana --restart=unless-stopped grafana/grafana-oss:8.5.0
  4. Install aguegu/Atiic

docker run -d --name=atiic --restart=unless-stopped --privileged=true -v /var/lib/atiic:/var/lib/atiic -v /dev:/dev -v /run/udev:/run/udev:ro aguegu/atiic:develop-arm64v8

  1. Configure grafana

    1. Visit http://raspberrypi.local:3000 and login with admin/admin
    2. In menu Server Admin / Plugins install sqlite
    3. Configure a SQLite datasource, and click Save & Test
      • Name: Atiic
      • Path: /var/lib/atiic/database.SQLite
    4. Go to menu Dashboards and create an new Dashboard
    5. Create a dashboard with SQL:
    SELECT avg(aht21Humidity), max(ts) as _ts FROM atiic WHERE ts >= ${__from:date:seconds} AND ts < ${__to:date:seconds} group by (1000*ts/$__interval_ms)
  2. Tweak the dashboard to the style you prefer. You may import new dashboard with this json file to get this:


Data Fields

  • ts: INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, unix timestamp in seconds
  • spl06Temperature: REAL, Temperature reading from SPL06, unit Celsius (°C)
  • spl06Pressure: REAL, Air Pressure reading from SPL06, unit Pascal (Pa)
  • aht21Temperature: REAL, Temperature reading from AHT21, unit Celsius (°C)
  • aht21Humidity: REAL, Relative Humidity reading from AHT21, unit 100%
  • ttl: INTEGER, measurement duration, unit milliseconds (ms)